Comunidad GBMx

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

Ernie Hudson en la nueva serie de The Flash

Ernie Hudson, en la entrevista que le hicieron en el pasado podcast de Cross the Streams, habló sobre proyectos en puerta. Comentó sobre el spin-off de Arrow, una serie nueva acerca de Flash. "Tengo una cita con los creadores la siguiente semana. Me tengo que preparar para ello." Cuando se le preguntó acerca del papel al que audicionaría, Hudson tartamudeó "Su padre adoptivo, o el papá de..." y ahí decidió cortar el tema para no soltar más información de la que podía.
Y basándonos en el debut de Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) en la serie Arrow de la cadena CW, sabemos que el padre de Barry está en prisión por el asesinato de la madre de este. Así que si tomamos la información dada por Hudson, asumimos que Ernie va por el papel del Detective West, padre de Iris.

DETECTIVE WEST – Late 40s to Early 50s – African American – Detective West is an honest, blue-collar cop who’s seen it all. A soulful, funny caring father to Iris, and a surrogate father to Barry, West came up through the foster system himself. He took in Barry after his mother’s murder and his father’s imprisonment. He believes in Barry and supports Barry’s efforts to prove his father’s innocence.
Para quienes no están muy empapados del universo de Flash, el Detective West es un afroamericano de entre cuarenta y cincuenta años, un policia honesto que lo ha visto todo. Un conmovedor padre amoroso de Iris, y un padre adoptivo de Barry. Se encarga de Barry después del asesinato de su madre y el encarcelamiento de su padre. Tiene fé en Barry y apoya todos sus esfuerzos para probar la inocencia de su padre.

Si recuerdan, Ernie Hudson hizo un papel muy similar en la película de culto The Crow, donde personifica al Sargento Albrecht, quien de cierta manera se preocupa por Sarah y por el mismo Eric Draven (Brandon Lee).


Gracias a Lord Tuetanus por el dato.
Before Hudson could disclose any further information, he decides to cut himself off as to not reveal too much. "His (Barry Allen) dad has a problem," is the final morsel of info that slips from his lips. And based on Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) debut in CW's Arrow we know that Barry's father was incarcerated for the murder of Barry's mother. So, if we take Ernie Hudson's information, and a casting call that Bludhaven Banter posted it's pretty safe to assume that Hudson is up for the role of Detective West, Iris' father.
At about the 4:50 mark of the Cross The Streams podcast (click here to listen), Ghostbusters' Ernie Hudson discussed his upcoming projects. "In the meantime there's a spin-off of Arrow called Flash," he said. "I'm meeting the creators next week. So, I have to prepare for that." When asked which role he was up for, Hudson replied "His adoptive dad,...or the dad of..."

Before Hudson could disclose any further information, he decides to cut himself off as to not reveal too much. "His (Barry Allen) dad has a problem," is the final morsel of info that slips from his lips. And based on Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) debut in CW's Arrow we know that Barry's father was incarcerated for the murder of Barry's mother. So, if we take Ernie Hudson's information, and a casting call that Bludhaven Banter posted it's pretty safe to assume that Hudson is up for the role of Detective West, Iris' father.
DETECTIVE WEST – Late 40s to Early 50s – African American – Detective West is an honest, blue-collar cop who’s seen it all. A soulful, funny caring father to Iris, and a surrogate father to Barry, West came up through the foster system himself. He took in Barry after his mother’s murder and his father’s imprisonment. He believes in Barry and supports Barry’s efforts to prove his father’s innocence.

At about the 4:50 mark of the Cross The Streams podcast (click here to listen), Ghostbusters' Ernie Hudson discussed his upcoming projects. "In the meantime there's a spin-off of Arrow called Flash," he said. "I'm meeting the creators next week. So, I have to prepare for that." When asked which role he was up for, Hudson replied "His adoptive dad,...or the dad of..."

Before Hudson could disclose any further information, he decides to cut himself off as to not reveal too much. "His (Barry Allen) dad has a problem," is the final morsel of info that slips from his lips. And based on Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) debut in CW's Arrow we know that Barry's father was incarcerated for the murder of Barry's mother. So, if we take Ernie Hudson's information, and a casting call that Bludhaven Banter posted it's pretty safe to assume that Hudson is up for the role of Detective West, Iris' father.
DETECTIVE WEST – Late 40s to Early 50s – African American – Detective West is an honest, blue-collar cop who’s seen it all. A soulful, funny caring father to Iris, and a surrogate father to Barry, West came up through the foster system himself. He took in Barry after his mother’s murder and his father’s imprisonment. He believes in Barry and supports Barry’s efforts to prove his father’s innocence.

At about the 4:50 mark of the Cross The Streams podcast (click here to listen), Ghostbusters' Ernie Hudson discussed his upcoming projects. "In the meantime there's a spin-off of Arrow called Flash," he said. "I'm meeting the creators next week. So, I have to prepare for that." When asked which role he was up for, Hudson replied "His adoptive dad,...or the dad of..."

Before Hudson could disclose any further information, he decides to cut himself off as to not reveal too much. "His (Barry Allen) dad has a problem," is the final morsel of info that slips from his lips. And based on Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) debut in CW's Arrow we know that Barry's father was incarcerated for the murder of Barry's mother. So, if we take Ernie Hudson's information, and a casting call that Bludhaven Banter posted it's pretty safe to assume that Hudson is up for the role of Detective West, Iris' father.
DETECTIVE WEST – Late 40s to Early 50s – African American – Detective West is an honest, blue-collar cop who’s seen it all. A soulful, funny caring father to Iris, and a surrogate father to Barry, West came up through the foster system himself. He took in Barry after his mother’s murder and his father’s imprisonment. He believes in Barry and supports Barry’s efforts to prove his father’s innocence.


2 comentarios:

  1. Arrow me ha gustado y a la futura The Flash también le iba a dar una oportunidad, antes de enterarme que Ernie Hudson estará en ella.

    Ahora que lo se, ¡bienvenido sea!

  2. No he tenido la oportunidad de checar Arrow, spin-off de Smallville que superó a la misma, habrá que ver The Flash y ojalá Hudson se quede con el papel.
